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Deception; the weapon of Liberals(lawless)

"All warfare is based on deception". Sun Tsu

This could not be more true when it comes to the battle being waged against the Truth, Biblical Christianity. It is impossible to fight against Christianity without resorting to falsehood and that is exactly what the proponents of liberalism or lawless ones  have realized.  They have made great strides in deceiving the masses and have gain great victories on their battle to bring us back into paganism and moral depravity. In this article the definition of liberals is those who promote lawlessness and depravity under the guise of freedom and progress. In this article we will go over three areas where this battle have been fought .

   The  Three Key Battle Grounds of divorce, abortion and homosexual marriage

* Divorce
   Marriage, a commitment between a man and woman being the foundation of a healthy society is supposed to be a lifelong commitment. Divorce was allowed only in extreme cases such as adultery. But liberals promoting lawlessness would not have it so. For they argue that marriage is supposed to be for one's own selfish pleasure and if I cannot have my way in a marriage then there will be no way and I will find my way out. They do not care about the trail of emotional destructions they are leaving behind, broken children , betrayed spouses. Beloved marriage is a union of two different people, meaning that by nature it will be a struggle to adjust, we have to expect hardship, but the joy of marriage is to overcome these hardship together not to flee at the sight of the first road block. Marriage is the laying down of self for togetherness, and work together for the upbringing of the next generation. It is a noble task that liberals have succeeded in perverting by coming up with new selfish definition of marriage. They have change a life long commitment into a trivial matter that one can change at a whim. In the destruction of marriage and the family , unrestrained divorce was the first battle won by the cunning and lawless liberals.

"For I hate divorce!" says the LORD, the God of Israel. "To divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty," says the LORD of Heaven's Armies. "So guard your heart; do not be unfaithful to your wife."Malachi 2:16

* Abortion
In the battleground of abortion, which is really the murder of one's own children or as the Bible calls it sacrificing one's child to Molech. A savage and barbaric practice, its lawless proponent (liberals) have succeeded for the most part by a sudden shift of tactical brilliance. In the stroke of a pen , liberals have redefined murder as a woman's choice right issue, creating a false reality and the masses felt for it.  The cunning liberal have never finish the sentence , which is they are fighting for a woman's right to murder  her own children, they cunningly phrase it a woman's right over her own body. In the war against truth outright deception about the nature of the cause will get you somewhere ,but like any true propagandist knows , demonizing your opponents and makes them appear backwards and outdated will help propel you to great heights . So then those who opposed the evils of child sacrifice were called sexist oppressors who desired to keep woman in bondage. With their twin assaults, liberals took their case to the supreme court and won, their deception becoming the Law of the Land.

"Do not permit any of your children to be offered as a sacrifice to Molech, for you must not bring shame on the name of your God. I am the LORD.Leviticus 18:21

* Homosexual marriage

In order to dupe the masses into accepting the depravity that is homosexual marriage, a great work ha to be done in the minds of the people. To create a new reality for them about the nature of homosexuality, a new term had to invented. The name homosexual or sodomite as they are often called in the Bible had to be change and the word gay which meant happy was adopted. So the vile and filthy nature of this wickedness was transform into a lifestyle of bliss . With this redefinition the view of this perversion became increasingly positive. Seeing how easy it was to change perceptions, the next step ," gay marriage "became much easier. With deceptive stratagem the homosexuals claim that they only wanted civil union to take care of their partner, when they get that then they say if we can have unions , then why not marriage. Knowing that the people may be repulse by such idea , in stroke of perverted genius ,they turned the issue into one of civil rights just like the proponents of child sacrifice(abortion) had done earlier, calling it marriage equality . Pity on the masses for not recognizing that equality can only be between things that are of the same nature, such as a black man is equal to a white man, true marriage can on its own produce children , perverted marriage cannot which mean by the nature they cannot be the same. And again the lawless liberals pull a tactic from their earlier successes by demonizing the speakers of truth and calling them bigot , homophobic and intolerant, with this other twin assault , Sodom and Gomorrah returned from the grave .

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.Leviticus 20:13

Christianity , being the  True religion has always been under attack around the world by false religions and ideologies. Christians have been and are being martyred around the world as we speak, and despite all these odds Christianity continue to strive and grow. Liberals then have realized that it is difficult to fight against Christianity by using violence  because as the saying goes " the blood of the martyrs are the seeds of the Church." So the proponents of lawlessness went to school and took a page out of the Art of War , that would make the ancient military strategist Sun Tsu very proud. The deceptions have been so profound that they have made deep inroads in many churches. Beloved the only safe guard against is the Word of God, we must not surrender to proponent of lawlessness(liberals) no matter how deceptive their assaults on the Truth , but we must put on the Whole armor of God in this battle so that we demolish these doctrines of devils.

10 .Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians6:10-12


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