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Racism: rooted in economics

I am writing this article about the subject of racism. When one really think about racism it becomes obvious that it is not something inherent in us but it deeply rooted in economics. In this  article we will take a look at how it is so.

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation. Acts 17:26

The myth of racial supremacy

As it is evident by our red blood, all human beings are created equal. No race is better than the other and anyone who seek to teach the racial superiority of one race over another is simply a person that has a lot of inferiority complex and he is seeking ways to make himself superior

The power of conquest

The idea of racial supremacy existed a long time ago, but I think it came as a result of conquests. Different nations since antiquity have had different focus at different times. Some were interested in acquiring knowledge, others trade and some were warrior cultures. So a warrior culture will go wage war against another and take over, now because they have vanquished their enemies
they assumed that it is because they are superior human beings with higher intellect. In reality it may just be that they have been so passionate about wars that all of their focus and development were towards that end and therefore became superior militarily and not by nature. Whatever a person focus on the most, they will be really skilled at.

And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? Matthew 17:24

Wars based on economics

Despite popular concept that wars are fought to bring others freedom and being benevolent, when one truly analyze the facts it is evident that the majority of wars are fought for economic purposes. The problem is a leader cannot just come out and say that we are going to war to steal other's resources, so they have to find a  nobler rational for doing so . This how racism as an institution came into being. When one invades another's country it is necessary to demonize the enemy and take away their equal humanity to garner support for the war effort. So by saying or implying certain people group or cultures are inferior it gives you the leeway to achieve what you want to do.

From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members.James 4:1

Slavery based on economics

Slavery as an institution was a purely economic affair. African slavery in particular was not initially based on racism. The Europeans went to Africa and traded certain goods like guns, mirrors with the locals for slaves. In return the local tribes went to war with one another to capture more slaves to trade and acquire more goods. Thus the system took a life on its on, and as more slaves were being sold due to the constant wars among the tribes they became weakened , which in turn allowed European powers to take control over the trade themselves and seize African territories little by little until almost the whole continent was taken. Slavery was not something based on race , it was simply a business transaction done thru warfare by different nations throughout time. Currently the Islamic State of  Iraq and Syria is involved in and promoting slavery of people that maybe of different tribes but look just like them to outsiders.

If one of your fellow Israelites falls into poverty and is forced to sell himself to you, do not treat him as a slave.Leviticus 25:39

Keeping the System

In order to keep the cheap labor system provided by slave labor going without conscience being affected the master then comes up with a plan to take away the humanity of the slaves. So all types of names are brought to describe the slaves regardless of race. The Romans called their enemies barbarians, uncivilized brutes so when a Roman took such people as slaves it was looked at as a good thing. As if it was better to be a Roman slave than to be a free uncivilized brute. The same way it was with European slavery, they had to come up with a false superiority system to perpetuate the system, the cheap flow of money. The masters themselves deep down knew the truth that all men were equal and for this reason made sure he had enough guards and a divide and conquer system established to keep the slaves in check and prevent rebellions.

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe.Luke 11:21

Money or no money

Image result for racism is about power
In the end  racists are just people who lie to themselves in other to feel better about themselves. If one has some money he assumed that he is a better human being than another , and treats his fellow man with disdain. The truth is if he were to lose his money tomorrow another would treat them the same. Around the world the reason why the darker one is the more racism he encounters is because a few hundred years ago the lighter skin people acquired more wealth then them.  So since we see that racism is based on economics , our response should not be to simply blame the one that have money , always remember no matter how they got the money in the pass it wasn't just handed over to them and that they actually took risks for it. Some crossed dangerous oceans to wage war on foreign lands to acquire that wealth. I am not arguing for the rightness of their risks , for it was for an evil purpose , I am just stating the fact that without taking risks changes will not be made.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.1 Timothy 6:10


In conclusion slavery and its associated racism is and was always and economic based affair and not about race. Let us who have a victim mentality cease to do and seek positive and righteous ways to improve our economic conditions and also raise your fellow man/woman up instead of tearing them down.. As for people who have racist inclinations, realized that  we are all part of the one human race and so racism is simply folly. Let us on both side of the isle ask God to help us overcome our shortcomings.

 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here I have made two talents more.’ 23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.Matthew 25:22,23


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