The Western Mind and Spiritual Darkness
The western mind has adapted to the evolutionary belief being taught in the school. For this reason it has become blind to the spiritual darkness being introduced to it in avenues such as yoga and the martial arts.
The theory of Evolution has permeated all aspects of western teachings.The theory of evolution ,the idea that all living things evolved from a common ancestor is the root of western understanding. That theory by default deny the existence of the supernatural and is thus an excellent tool in the hands of a Great Deceiver like Satan to manifest himself in the open while at the same time remaining hidden.
Martial Arts |
ve in the existence of satan as a real being , but see him as a personification of evil.Since satan is not real therefore we have no fear of baptizing anything into Christianity and thus the result has been staggering.Things such as Rap and Rock and Roll and Yoga have now become Christian Rap, Rock and Yoga .
Such infiltrations are strong evidence of how Satan operates according 2 Cor 11:13,14."For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
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Yoga |
Yoga are the physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that aim to transform body and mi[1] in Hinduism, Buddhism (including Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhism[2][3][4]) and Jainism
nd. The term denotes a variety of schools, practices and goals
By taking part of such practices regardless of whether one is aware or not we are inviting demonic spirits to take control over us . Satanic practices cannot be separated from their roots. Satan is very cunning and has the ability to repackage his lies to every society according to their world view. So in a western world which does not belief in his existence he bring spiritual practices such as Yoga under the guise of only a physical exercises that will lead to greater self realization. Only if we would open our Bible we would quickly realize in the very beginning in Genesis ch. 3:4,5.
So beloved let us open our eyes in the ways of God so we may see through the works of darkness and not be caught in the snares that the Devil has laid for us. Let us not follow our cultural dictates but we should use the scripture to test whether or not what we are taking part are the work of darkness or not.