Revelation 13, 11-17
The revelation of by Edward Snowden of the NSA spying scandal has huge implications for those that are awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus. The second Beast of revelation 13 coming out of the earth is the United States, which came out of a land that wasn't densely populated as the old world.
The Bible says that the second beast spake as a dragon.Speaking in bible prophecy by a beast power represent the laws that are being made by that power. Since the attacks of 9/11/2001 the United States started making oppressive laws that are slowly taking the rights of its citizens.(USA Patriot Act)
So in order for the second beast to causeth all to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads a system of total surveillance has to be establish. Snowden's revelations has shed light on this massive system being built.In the name of security and freedom ,our rights will continue to be taken away as the Lamb like beast continues it's transformation .