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America's " golden age."

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The Divorce Pandemic

 "For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." Matthew 24:39. Jesus said in the last days that marriage will consume the minds of many. Marriage has become some sort of idol to many. Many think that marriage will solve their lives' problems. But, with the increased idolatry of marriage has come increased divorces.  Many are getting married just to get divorced.  Divorce is on the increase because people don't understand what marriage is. People don't understand the nature of marriage. In order to understanding something, it is important to understand the mind of its author. God made marriage and marriage is about God. God is love and marriage is about the development of the love of God in our hearts. Love is other-centered. It is the desire to seek to please som...

Living in a politheistic society

 What is a politheistic society ? A polytheistic society is one in which people worship multiple gods and goddesses. In our society we have different religions, we have multitudes of denominations and we have things like atheism and witchcraft.  Religious faith in such a society become confused. Everybody believes they are right and so the mantra in such a society becomes "live and let live." People will say ," you have your truth and I have my truth."  And yet these truths are in contradiction to each other . How does that impact Christians? Many Christians become paralyzed. Fearful of confronting others if their errors because they might be labeled as extremists. As a result we become open minded, accepting everyone with their particular belief system and celebrating with everyone in their beliefs. Ecumenism is the result. Everyone coming together in "religious harmony" while they believe things that are in complete contradiction.   Accepting the beliefs...

Finding freedom from society

 Society will enslave you! Not that society does it on purpose. It's not like there is someone sitting behind a desk somewhere plotting to enslave the masses, its possible there are such people, but this not what I am speaking about here. I am speaking about the nature of human society inevitably enslaves the masses. How does society enslaves ? Society is made up of a group of people. Human beings are social creatures. In order for human beings to live in harmony we create social norms. We come up together and define things. We say this is acceptable and this is not acceptable.  Now there is nothing wrong with having norms that facilitate peace and harmony between people. The enslavement begin when society starts to define what life is about for people as a whole . A society will teach young women what it means to be beautiful. They will say a truly beautiful woman is one who has a strechted out neck or one who has a narrow waist or a curved figure etc..And automatically any w...

Life's purpose

 A life without a purpose is a living death. In our time many are living without purpose and as a result life can be painful. Depression is rampant where no purpose is. Life without purpose deteriorates into a search for pleasure and the desire to numb the self with all manner of drugs and distractions. You can tell for many people in America that life is without a purpose because life is mainly focused on escaping reality for many.  Is getting money 💵 life's purpose ? No! Making money is not the purpose of life. While money is needed to facilitate life in this world, it cannot be the purpose of life. Purpose is more than making money . What is purpose 🤔 When speaking of purpose we are talking about the fundamental reason for the existence of something.  We weren't created and brought into this world to make money. There are primitive societies in the world that doesn't use money and yet they have a purpose and sometimes enjoy life more than us living in the rich wester...

The love of money 💵: A corrupting influence

 The Bible says," the love of money is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 6:10. Yet, if one was to walk around and ask most people do you love money ? The answer would be no. Especially in a Christian setting the response will definitely be no, but the reality shows different.  What does it mean for a person to love money or for a society to love money ?  Does it mean you go around saying " I love money?"  No! America is a capitalistic society. What does it mean ?  A capitalist society is an economic system where private individuals and organizations own the means of production, and the market determines prices and distribution of goods.  The main characteristic of capitalism is the drive to make a profit.  America is all about making money.  Majority of people in America are all chasing after money.  When getting money is the goal of life, the society is corrupted, the individual is corrupted. This is what it means to love money ❤💵. Its for t...

The spiritual nature and the degradation of marriage

Man was made in the image of God.  What does it mean to be made in the image of God? What is God like ? The Bible says "God is a Spirit." What comes to mind when you think of a Spirit? You think of something not limited by physical restraints, something unseen, something greater than the physical.  God made man in His image, He made a spiritual being covered by an earthly body. We all have the breath of God within us, we all have a spirit within us. The spirit within is the real person, the character.  With the spiritual nature we relate to God and with the earthly nature we relate to the earth.  So let's break it down a little bit so we can understand . What are the things we find in the spiritual nature ?  In the spiritual nature we find love, patience, longsuffering, mercy etc.. The spiritual nature is all about relationships, that's the most important to the spiritual nature, its highest goal. Why do I say this ? Remember what we said in the beginning, "God ...



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6