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Showing posts from September, 2024

Pride and it's curse

 Pride is something we all deal with. Pride is the attempt to fill our internal void. We all are born empty. We all are born with a void. And soon as we start to become self aware, we start to notice the differences between the self and others, we start to notice our strengths and our weaknesses. We start to notice our smallness in the world, we start to notice our vulnerabilities in the world, we realize at a certain age we are naked and we quickly seek to hide our nakedness with the covering of pride . We start to compare ourselves with others to see how we are better or worse than them. So we internally ask ourselves how can I be better than the next person? How can I exalt myself higher than the next person? Pride is all about competition, being better than the next. Some ways pride is display are  1. Trying to be the most beautiful  2. Having the most money  3. Being the most intelligent  4. Dressing the best way  5. Thinking you don't need anybody  Pride is all about promotin



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6