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Showing posts from June, 2024

Counterfeit morality: A deeper look, the naked truth

 Recently I saw an article on CNN that spoke about what not to do at a nude beach. They were basically the unwritten laws to regulate behaviors on a nude beach. The article had as part of its title, " lose your clothes but not your manners." And I was like this is interesting.  In a moment it reveals the modus operandi of this evil world. The way Satan ensnares the masses into a sense of self righteousness when in reality they are promoting and taking part of evil. One of the laws at a nude beach was don't look down and don't compliment people on their bodies . This whole thing would have been hilarious if it wasn't such a wicked thing. Now the person who goes to such a place and keep the laws of that place will consider himself a moral person, because he did not look down at a naked person talking to him, nor make compliments on their bodies. He will probably condemn someone else who failed to do these things, who failed to keep the nude beach's morality as a

Oppose the promotion of homosexuality

 Would allow a friend to eat poison ? Would you support a friend that is drinking down poison ? Would you justify the drinking of deadly poison in church? Would you say live and let live concerning someone who is seeking to drink poison ? Unless you have a cruel heart, you would do no such thing. But for some reason many people are cheering as a vast minority of our human family are drinking down the poison of homosexuality. Homosexuality is not natural, it is an abomination,  an abnormality, an evil, a wicked thing in the eyes of God. According to the Word of God, the sentence for homosexuality is death. No unrepentant homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven.  A man who choose to sleep with a man has a serious mental issue and a woman who chooses to sleep with a woman has similar mental issue. God made the woman for the man and the man for the woman. Opposite attracts, the different sexual parts show that they are made for each other. But a homosexuality is an aberration, it is th



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6